The Carmine Carro Community Center is free to the public and programmed by Millennium Development, a local organization which hosts fitness, exercise, nutrition, and healthy lifestyle classes for seniors and active adults. They also offer cultural and art programs such as painting, photography, music, and quilting. Computer learning classes will consist of navigating the internet and instruction on the use of video chatting like Skype to communicate with out of town friends and family. Youth after school and summer programs are also hosted by Millennium including inter-generational tutoring and mentoring, cultural and recreational programming, and youth leadership groups.
The Center is an example of the City's commitment to an environmentally-friendly 21st century, and features many “green” elements including solar panels, a geo-thermal heating and cooling system, and a green roof covered with vegetation. It houses multi-purpose rooms for recreation and community programs, ADA accessible bathrooms, a kitchen, skylights, administrative offices, and a NYC Parks operations headquarters.